Policies and Procedures
These are policies for eta’s In-Person Summer Arts Camp. Please note that for In-Person Camp 2023 the following policy will apply:
• eta will follow any future local and state mandated restrictions and policies that might arise due to increases or decreases of COVID-19 threats.
• If a student should test positive for COVID 19 during their time onsite, the student will not be allowed to return for the remainder of Summer Arts Camp until they test negative.
All changes and transfer requests must be submitted by May 30th and are subject to restrictions and space availability. There is no fee for changes made before May 30th. There are no reduced tuition costs or refunds for missed days, weeks, or months of camp.
For changes requested after May 30th a $65 processing fee will be charged.
General Refund Policy:
Before June 12, 2023
Option A: Cancel with Tuition credit and 100% of tuition will be retained as a credit for next year’s camp or eta’s Youth Arts Fall or Spring session. No processing fees.
Option B: Cancel and convert your student’s tuition to a tax-deductible donation to eta.
For changes requested after May 30th a $65 processing fee will be charged.
After June 12, 2023
Cancellations will only be eligible for tuition credits if they meet the following criteria:
Campers become ill and are unable to attend both in person. Consideration will be given for a full or prorated refund (a doctor’s certification may be required).
Campers experience the sudden death, illness or injury of a parent or guardian (a doctor’s certification may be requested).
Important Note:
No Refunds will be granted for scheduling conflicts or no-shows.
No Refunds will be granted to students who leave or do not attend camp by their own choice.
No Refunds will be granted for students who are excluded for poor conduct.
To request changes or cancelations please email Nae@etaCreativeArts.org
*If camp is under-enrolled or canceled by eta, you will be notified by phone and/ or email and may choose to transfer tuition amount into another eta sponsored class, receive a tuition credit for future season(s), or receive a refund. Early registration is encouraged to help prevent camp cancellation!
SAC images help us to tell the story of our organization and our mission. They may be used for non-commercial purposes only, such as print publications, eta websites, e-communications, presentations, and documents about eta for admission, recruitment, fundraising, or institutional purposes. We appreciate your cooperation and consent in allowing us to photograph your child for use in various mediums without any personal identifiers. You have our assurance that these images will be used only for official purposes and with the respect and consideration to which you are entitled. Please check the appropriate option for publishing videos and photos on the camp registration form.
Masks are optional upon entry into the building and throughout the day.
Hand Sanitizer will be available throughout building.
Spaces used for our camp will be cleaned daily.
*Note to parents--please review these rules with your children. eta staff will present them to students at the start of camp.
To ensure a positive, productive, and enjoyable camp experience for all participants, it is important that all campers’ parents and guardians adhere to the rules of behavior for students and privacy guidelines for parents.
Parents are to communicate directly to eta’s administration staff regarding their children: appointments, early arrivals (8am) or departures, and any dietary restrictions (no peanuts will be served)
Administrators will inform parents of any changes regarding scheduling or class procedures.
Please inform our administrators of any communications that need to be passed on to instructors so that document communications and execute the proper follow-up.
Any issues with instructors must be brought to Executive Directors attention. Please email Kenya@etacreativearts.org
Discipline/Behavior Policy
Camp staff is trained to model and enforce age-appropriate behavior guidelines and reflective communication. We encourage self-control, self-direction, responsibility, and cooperation. We
will do our best to provide behavioral support to any camper demonstrating a need or disrupting the camp. Open communication between guardians and camp is considered key in terms of effective discipline.
If the child’s behavior is extremely disruptive and/or harmful to themselves or others, a parent may be asked to remove the child from camp for the remainder of the day. eta reserves the right to ask a disruptive student to withdraw from camp and if such a situation occurs, there will be absolutely no refunds issued.
Students must always be respectful and courteous to other students and staff during camp sessions. Inappropriate, offensive, or threatening comments; misrepresentation of identity will not be tolerated.
Usage of inappropriate language (profanity, name calling,); bullying or intimidation, inappropriate physical contact (hitting, spitting, touching) is not tolerated. Student will be pulled out of the studios, separated from other students and parent will be contacted.
No running in the building
No walking or running with sharp objects (scissors, pencils, or pens)
No loud talking that can disturb others in or out of studio classroom
No eating during class sessions
Daily Schedule for Students
8:30am-9am Breakfast
9am-11am First Class
11am-12pm Second Class 1st hour
12pm – 12:30pm Lunch
12:30pm – 1:30pm Second Class 2nd hour
1:30pm-3:30pm 3rd Class
3:30pm-4pm Dismissal & Pick-Up
*If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the Patron Director; Dajane’e Daniels nae@etacreativearts.org.